Saudi police arrested more than 4,000 beggars while conducting operations around Masjid al-Haram. According to Arab News, the Department of Public Security has instructed citizens and foreigners living in the kingdom not to give charity to professional beggars. The Saudi authorities say that begging is strictly forbidden in Islam. Pilgrims should not give charity to anyone. Begging is also dangerous for the peace of the country because organized mafia is behind these beggars and they may be involved in financial support of terrorist organizations. Saudi authorities stated that a large number of beggars have arrived in Saudi Arabia during the month of Ramadan.
According to the Saudi authorities, the security plan is being strictly followed in the month of Ramadan. Apart from Masjid al-Haram in Makkah, there are teams of the anti-begging department at various places, which have arrested more than 4,000 beggars.